“Association” shall be named ‘Adventist laymen’s Services and Industries, United Kingdom’ (shorthand ‘ASI UK’)
“Business Year” of the Association shall be the Calendar Year as observed in the United Kingdom.
“Business” and/or “Businesses” are self-employed individuals, entrepreneurs, companies, entities, and enterprises. This is not an exhaustive list and the Executive can use its discretion to add to this list.
“Chair” is the presider of a meeting, usually the President, or if incapacitated the Vice President, or anyone else who has been elected to preside over the meeting.
“Church” is defined as the ‘Seventh-day Adventist Church’, exercising its global mission and principles throughout the geographical region of British Union Conference together with its Conferences, Missions, and churches, all operating within the Trans-European Division.
“Close Relative” is an individual who is either a father, mother, brother, sister, husband, wife, son, daughter, grandmother and grandfather by blood (not marriage), grandson, granddaughter, mother-in-law, father-in-law, daughter-in-law, son-in-law, grandmother-in-law, grandfather-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, uncle by blood or marriage, aunt by blood or marriage, nephew or niece by blood or marriage, or first cousin, equivalent step-family members, a legal dependent, or any other person so interpreted by the General Meeting and/or Executive. By blood or marriage refers to the individual’s relative by blood or marriage.
“Decision” is where an express resolution is voted on and passed during a meeting. Decisions shall be carried out and are to be officially recorded in the minutes.
“Executive, the” is the Association’s board occupied by Executive Members who exercise their authority in operating the Association in accordance with this constitution.
“Executive Member” is the officer appointed to the Association’s board and upon whom authority is conferred to act in the best interests of the Association.
“Member” and/or “Membership” are members who have been granted a membership status. Privileges and Voting Rights are conferred to them as defined in this constitution.
“Ministry” and/or “Ministries” are missionary organisations, not-for-profit organisations, associations, individuals running their own ministry, and groups. This is not an exhaustive list and the Executive can use its discretion to add to this list.
“Professionals” are individuals who are employed in a professional capacity and may be employed by an entity that they do not control. These may include, however are not limited to, executives of companies, consultants, lawyers, physicians, pharmacists, psychologists, tax advisors, etc. The Executive can use its discretion to add to this list.
“Simple Majority” means a majority of the votes exercised by Members with Voting Rights present constituting a quorum, with each Member present and having one vote. The voting threshold must be fifty percent (50%). In the event of a tie the Chairperson shall exercise a casting vote.
“Voting Rights” are conferred to Members of the Association have the right to vote as in accordance with this constitution.
The organs of the Association shall consist of the General Meeting, the Extraordinary Meeting, and the Executive.